Predictive GenAI Program
Limited Offer


Apply for up to 1 MILLION Credits to help enterprises build Time-Series Data Predictive LLM

END JULY, 31 2024

Free Registration, Free Application, Free Support, and 4 Benefits

Limited offer only. APPLY NOW!

Free Credits

Valued from 200,000 up to 1,000,000 credits, and it is free for a total of 60 days.

Technical Support

(1) Online 1-on-1 guidance from Taiwan AI Cloud consultants
(2) Dedicated Predictive GenAI Package 

Marketing Exposure

Publish results through mutual marketing platforms/channels/events after the project ends, promoting successful application fields and cases to establish market value.

Exclusive Discounts

Offer exclusive discounts after the program ends.

*For detailed guidelines, please refer to “Event Guidelines and Notices“.

How to Unlock the Value In the Enterprise Time-Series Data?

Getting insights and predictions through Predictive GenAI is the key.

Predictive GenAI combines Insight AI and Generative AI to overcome the difficulties faced by traditional ML. Using LLM helps enterprises pose questions and optimize data processing and analysis faster and more simply, aiding internal strategy formulation and making more insightful and predictive judgments!

Having a significant amount of data?

Structural/Unstructured data hard to analyze?
Are massive numerical data hard to digest?
Are data dimensions too broad to manage?

Lack of AI experts for predictive modeling?

Shortage of AI Pro. or knowledge?
Insufficient cost to build insightful applications?
Model errors leading to misjudgment of results?

Is event analysis response time too long?

Unexpected equipment failure?
Unstable product yield performance?
Inefficiency in operational or decision-making?

Gain insights into your data, understand your market, and enhance your business competitiveness!

Predictive GenAI keeps your business at the forefront with the best new capabilities.

Understand and gain insights into time series data (e.g., telemetry data) through Predictive-FFM. Achieve real-time predictive insights analysis results with simple questions, significantly enhancing the flexibility of enterprise Business Intelligence (BI) decisions.

Better Time Series Forecasting

Capable of processing over ten years of long-term data.
Quickly process millions/billions of tokens.

Lower Data Analysis Processing

Automate data analysis and predictive model building.
Increase operational efficiency.

Lower AI Engineering Effort

Reduce the need for AI Experts.
Significantly cost reduction.

Easier Natural-Language Querying

Easily using natural language for prompt.
AI Chat makes it more user-friendly.

Predictive GenAI + FFM combines depth and breadth!

Unlock your data value, achieve brand goals, and create new business opportunities.

Enterprises can build multiple Predictive GenAIs, and incorporate internal and external auxiliary data, to create a customized, deeper, and broader FFM BI Knowledge Application.


No need to write programming languages.
Easy-to-use model fine-tuning environment.


Simple to deploy model on-cloud.
Pay-as-you-go services are economical and effortless.


Ensure both the security and privacy of enterprise-sensitive data.

Deploy enterprise LLM on-cloud or on-premises and use it with simple AI Chat, Taiwan AI Cloud is your best choice!

Support all customer needs, suitable for various industry fields and AI tasks.

We provide end-to-end services from model fine-tuning to deployment and AI Chat services, helping unlock enterprise data value and quickly build your exclusive industry analysis AI expert by LLM.

Predictive maintenance forecasting

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 1.9~2.7

By analyzing the operation logs, maintenance records, and related documents of manufacturing equipment, foresee potential equipment failures and preventive maintenance possibilities in advance.

IoT power consumption forecasting

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) optimized by 33%

By analyzing the comprehensive energy efficiency technical performance in the process stages of the energy-intensive cement industry, estimate energy-saving potential, reduce energy consumption, and improve energy efficiency.

Financial stock price forecasting

Mean Absolute Error (MAE) 1.41~2.78

By analyzing a few price-volume data, social media, and financial reports, analyze the correlation between different financial products and provide trend forecasts or suitable hedging for target financial products.

* The actual mean absolute error and fine-tuning training time will vary according to diverse data content and amount.

How to apply?

Simple three steps, join as a member and complete the application.


Complete member registration
Click “Member Registration” to become a member of Taiwan AI Cloud.


Fill out the application form
Click “Apply Now” and provide your member account.


Complete the application
After application, notification of approval will sent via email within 14 business days.

Application Qualifications

  • Applicants: Enterprises with complete Taiwan AI Cloud membership registration and provide a member account.
  • Application Project Theme: Pain points/problems that enterprises want to be solved through Large Language Models (LLMs).
  • Verification Fields: Preferably but not limited to “Smart Manufacturing”; “Smart Finance”; “Smart Retail/E-commerce”; “Smart Healthcare”.
  • Data Type: The priority is time-series data based on “Numerical Data” or “Mixed Data (Numerical + Text)”.

Free registration & application, receive up to 1 million credits

Event Guidelines and Notices
  • This program is organized by Taiwan Web Service Corporation  (hereinafter referred to as “Taiwan AI Cloud”). The application deadline is July 31, 2024. Applications will be reviewed, and Taiwan AI Cloud reserves the final decision-making authority based on the suitability of applicants, themes, and application outcomes.
  • After application, notification of approval will sent via email within 14 business days. Please check your email for the notification (no separate notification for unapproved applications).
  • Applicants approved for this program:
    (1) Limited to using tools of Taiwan AI Cloud, to fine-tune FFM large language models by AFS Platform and deployment on AFS Cloud.
    (2) The provided credits are given for free and cannot be exchanged for cash or transferred.
    (3) Must assist in completing a survey on satisfaction after the project ends.
    (4) Must agree to jointly publish results with Taiwan AI Cloud after the project ends, including but not limited to articles/videos, etc. Related results will be disclosed through mutual marketing platforms/channels/events (e.g., official website, press releases, webinars, etc.).
  • Credits usage time and limitations for this program:
    (1) A total of 60 calendar days. Calculated from the day after the project activation date (e.g., apply on 3/1, expire on 4/30).
    (2) Once the project expires or the credits are finished (whichever occurs first), the service will be terminated, and the project cannot be used anymore.
  • Taiwan AI Cloud reserves the right to terminate the service at any time and does not promise the Service Level Agreement (SLA) service quality guarantee for trial customers, as well as the security, retention, and smooth transmission of data. Additionally, Taiwan AI Cloud is not liable for any damages suffered by applicants using this service.
  • For any unresolved matters, Taiwan AI Cloud reserves the right to approve, change, modify, or cancel the content of this event. Applicants are deemed to have understood and agreed to abide by the guidelines and notices of the event.