AFS (AI Foundry Service)

From training to deployment, the enterprise-grade large language model one-stop solution.
The world's first on-premises large language model solution, offering generative AI services with the highest cybersecurity standards.

AFS (AI Foundry Service)

Taiwan AI Cloud integrates AIHPC computing power and a No-code model platform to introduce an enterprise-grade GenAI solution called AFS (AI Foundry Service), based on Formosa Foundation Model (FFM). AFS includes "AFS ModelSpace (Model-as-a-Service)" and "AFS Platform + AFS Cloud (Integrated LLM Fine-tuning and Deployment Services)."

Whether you want to use various FFM and open-source models directly or create a customized model for your enterprise, AFS offers the best solution. With a low entry barrier and cost, it helps you save the significant expenses of building your own AI HPC, allowing you to quickly enter the new era of AI 2.0!

AFS (AI Foundry Service):One-stop Solution

AFS ModelSpace


Directly use various FFM and open-source models with dual-mode pricing options for you to choose from.

✓ Easy to operate: Quickly deploy and start mainstream large language model AI services in the cloud.

✓ Cost transparency: Pay-as-you-go pricing. Simplify the pricing method to evaluate and control costs more easily.

✓ Cloud hosting: Automation tools and management services that simplify the administration tasks of large language models.

✓ Dual-mode billing: Billing based on either token usage or model deployment time, depending on preference.

AFS ModelSpacePublic Mode
Charged by token amount
Private Mode
Charged by model deployment time
Formosa Foundation Model (FFM)⭐Llama3-FFM
Open-Source Model-TAIDE

*Please refer to AFS ModelSpace for complete products and prices.

AFS Platform

AFS Cloud

Integrated LLM Fine-tuning and Deployment Services

Provide enterprises with an one-stop solution to quickly build their own large language models from training to deployment.

✓ Reduce Training Costs:  Provide pre-trained FFM models, no need to start from scratch; simply prepare the data to begin training your customized model.

✓ Lower Entry Barriers: No need to build AI supercomputers; start training LLM from thousands of yuan.

✓ Simple and Fast: One-stop service for quickly deploying fine-tuned models in cloud.

✓ Two fine-tuning strategies: Offering full-parameter and LoRA fine-tuning strategy. Choose the suitable one to create your own exclusive model!






*Please refer to AFS Platform & AFS Cloud for complete products and prices.

〝Enterprise Brain Computing Plan〞
Specially designed for those needing massive computing power !
The longer the contract, the greater the savings.

PlanContract durationPrice
(NTD, Tax Exclusive)
Annual payment
(NTD, Tax Exclusive)
Total usable computing power
(NTD, Tax Exclusive)
Enterprise Brain 95One year950,000

*Save NT$140,000*
Enterprise Brain 95Three year2,850,000 950,000
*Save NT$570,000*
Enterprise Brain 150One year1,500,000 1,500,000 1,800,000
*Save NT$300,000*
Enterprise Brain 150Three year4,500,000 1,500,000 5,700,000
*Save NT$1,200,000*
Enterprise Brain 250One year2,500,000 2,500,000 3,300,000
*Save NT$800,000*
Enterprise Brain 250Three year7,500,000 2,500,000 10,500,000
*Save NT$3,000,000*

*Please refer to the Pricing for complete products and prices.


AFS Shuttle


低成本快速投入,概念性驗證 (Proof of Concept,POC) 的最佳選擇


✓ 容易上手的 No-code Portal

✓ 多種預訓練模型可供選擇

根據客戶需求和可讀取 token 總量排定製程

✓ 國家級的資安防護與租戶環境隔離

能進一步與安全線路環境整合(含 VPN )

✓ 提供包套固定價格給企業用戶快速取得 GPU 資源進行 POC 驗證


「AFS (AI Foundry Service)」提供一站式整合服務,協助企業開發專屬的企業級生成式AI大模型


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AFS (AI Foundry Service)

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