Solutions by Theme
We provide a variety of solutions to provide you with the services meeting your needs and uses through AIHPC high performance computing power, AutoML tools, efficient data processing and analysis, 5G, blockchain, information security, and cloud architecture services. We can solve your problems and challenges quickly, efficiently, safely, cost-effectively, and reliably.

Digital Resilience
台智雲及華碩雲端聯合夥伴提供全方位多層次防護 6 大解決方案,建構企業永續韌性DNA,提供從端點備份、應用系統備份到虛擬及容器環境備份以及檔案與基礎儲存服務,以及國家級高安全性的基礎建設,協助企業打造縱深防禦的資安戰略。

A range of products and services are provided by High Performance Cluster (HPC) to run deep learning computations in the cloud environment. Through huge computing resources and storage capacity, as well as combined with extremely low-latency network transmission technology, we can solve complex problems and accelerate deep learning and training, so that you can gain market opportunities more quickly with the results.

One-stop Collaboration Platform for Machine Learning Development
One-stop Collaboration Platform for Machine Learning Development
This is the one-stop development environment provided for all data scientists and AI/ML developers. Combined with Taiwan AI Cloud's powerful computing resources and diversity of built-in model templates, the platform helps data scientists and AI/ML developers to prepare data quickly, build models easily, and deploy and maintain applications efficiently to make them more focused on problems in the journey of machine learning.

Enterprise Cloud
Enterprise Cloud extends Taiwan AI Cloud's infrastructure, services, API, and tools to data centers, shared colocation facilities, or on-premises environments. It offers an identical management portal to access cloud and on-premise resources, giving users a consistent operation experience to meet users’ compliance requirements and ensure data secured and protected in applications.

EMR Colud Service
使用座落在國研院國家高速網路與計算中心的國家級雲基礎架構平台「TWCC 臺灣 AI 雲 」提供醫療機構符合電子病歷上雲相關法規《醫療機構電子病歷製作及管理辦法》的要求,包括:在地機房合規、雲運算儲存基礎服務 IaaS、資安防禦及防毒防駭、資安事件通報作業整合、機構雲委外營運稽核配合、責任分攤承諾...等。

5G AI 企業整合專網
5G AI Ready Platform
台智雲的5G AI Ready Platform 為台灣第一個高度雲網整合的5G 企業專網服務,整合AIHPC高速運算雲端服務、5G專網與AI邊緣運算等數位化轉型三大關鍵核心技術,全方位提供智慧化與自動化的隨選即用(Ready to use)雲平台解決方案,為客戶省下巨額的投資及營運成本,提升各種垂直應用的即時性與便利性,加速智慧應用推展。

T-Proof Notary Service
透過區塊鏈技術保護數位資料,提供存證、取證、驗證全流程解決方案,打造可信任的資料來源。在 TWS 區塊鏈生態的支持下,保持系統透明,維護鏈上資料的完整性。

DAS 分析大師
Data Analysis Service
DAS 數據分析平台,從資料收集、資料治理、資料清理、資料分析到模型分析部署,提供一站式快速完成整個資料科學專案服務,可整合內外部的資料與相關人員共同作業,提高資料整合效率與價值。

DaaS 數據應用平台即服務

BaaS 區塊鏈平台即服務
符合各式產業場景應用,可快速建置節點(Node)與上鏈(Chain)作業,支援多種框架及 API 整合並採用國家級安全管控機制,提供高效、高速、高可靠服務,協助建構更安全穩固的區塊鏈環境。
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